5 years ago today I became the mother of the most wonderful daughter in the world.
Nanna is a goddess in Norse mythology, the daughter of Nepr and wife of Baldr (Balder). She and Baldr are both Æsir and live together in the hall of Breidablik in Asgard. According to Gylfaginning, when Baldr was unintentionally slain by the blind god Höðr through the treachery of Loki, she was overcome with grief and died. She was placed on the funeral pyre alongside her husband on his ship Hringhorni which was then launched out to sea.
In Sumerian it means " The one that lights up"
Nanna var sumerernes månegud, og Enlils og Ninlils førstefødte søn. Han var gud for vækst og frugtbarhed, og bestemte over kalenderen og årstiderne. Nanna betyder på sumerisk "Den der lyser op".